Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Paisley Re-visited - Day 29 (Tues 17 Sep)

Keady Market day and we needed enough sweetcorn from our favourite farmer there to last the rest of our stay at Colpoys Bay - 26 freshly picked, succulent cobs for $10. (Barbecued in their husks, they are near divine - especially with the freshly smoked pork chops that we bought too and tomatoes and beans fesh from our garden).
We had also decided that perhaps our judgement of Paisley, last week, was unjustified, and deserving of a second visit. There were memories of a riverside walk and a delightful old mill from eight years ago and a brochure with details of a historic walk.
All this was started with a clear frosty morning that had John skipping between breakfast preparations and the garden, trying to catch the magic of the dawn light.

The trip to Paisley was mostly beautiful, but not entirely. There is always a price to pay for human progress. In Ontario where winter roads must be salted, cars rust out in just a few years.

We found some pretty spots in Paisley and the old mill of our memories, now converted to a gift shop and residence. However, the walking trails were mostly overgrown and closed and the town centre very tired and run down. We gave up on finding somewhere nice for lunch and bought "Magnums", potato chips and a drink - that we ate in the cemetery. All this seemed strange for a town that also had quite large sections of newer housing (maybe a bedroom town, like some that we know at home).

A honking overhead - two large flights of Canadian geese. This is only about half of one of the groups.

Colpoys Bay on the way home in the late afternoon light was the bluest we have seen it.

Mail to collect today. The red "flag" is used in the rural American way to indicate mail delivered and mail to be posted. There are very few post boxes except at the post office.
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