Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Isaac Lake - Day 35 (Mon 23 Sep)

A clear sunny morning saw us bound for Isaac Lake, only about 10 kms from home.
Isaac Lake is a local fishing spot and sanctuary for water birds, particularly the loon.

This friendly chipmunk was sunning itself in our drive as we got into the car.

The lake was so calm, with wonderful cloud reflections but few birds present.

Back from the lake proper was a bird watching tower and nesting boxes.
Here there were more birds. Local bird life is undergoing seasonal change as some birds head south with others, including robins and winter wrens moving in.

The field/woodland birds were fluttery and much harder to photograph.

Every day we are seeing more fall colours - only a week to go before we leave though.

A rather attractive farm fence by the road out.
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