Monday, September 23, 2013

Night and Day After - Days 33 and 34 (Sat 21 - Sun 22 Sep)

"Stomp" at the Purple Valley Hall.
A small but good country style band  that even sang Waltzing Matilda for us (unaccompanied solo plus vocal harmony). A fair amount of drinking and talking plus vigorous Canadian country style dancing - lots of moving and stomping (making the whole building resonate). Wonderful fun.


Sunday afternoon we attended to the other side of ourselves with an amazing classical performance, being part of the Owen Sound Sweetwater Music Festival. It was held in the beautiful Georgian Shores United Church with a small group of some of the world's best musicians performing :
JS Bach - Concerto for two violins in D Minor;
WA Mozart - Clarinet Concerto in A Major;
Joseph Haydn - C Major Cello Concerto.
Standing ovations for the last two (although we have noted over some years that Canadians are more generous with their applause than Australian audiences). They were still worth it. 
The Clarinet Concerto especially blew us away - almost heavenly..
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