Wednesday, August 18, 2010

HH Day 7 : Copley to Mt Chambers Gorge 03 (Nepabunna)

This view as one comes through the last creek before Nepabunna
has changed little in the years that we have known it - beautiful!
However, the old mission has truly made the transition to an Aboriginal township :
sealed roads with street names, a power line from Leigh Creek, satellite television, telephone ...
even a "roundabout" at the centre of town.
The community office now stands on the site of our old house.
The school that was built for John, before we were married,
is now accommodation for visiting school groups from Adelaide and beyond.
Nepabunna children now travel to Leigh Creek Area School daily by school bus.
There are now a decent water supply, gardens and a sewerage effluent pond.

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