Saturday, August 14, 2010

HH Day 5 : Dalhousie to Old Woman Creek 02 (Oodnadatta)

Almost into Oodnadatta stands this "Angle Post" of the old Overland Telegraph line.
Oodnadatta is a mix of old service town and Aboriginal Community (Dunjiba).
Old buildings date back to the old Ghan Railway days.
Others date from WW2 when Oodnadatta was a key airport between Adelaide and Alice Springs.
New buildings are all related to Aboriginal or service housing (police, teachers etc.).
For John, Oodnadatta is rich in memories as one of his childhood homes.
(This trip we took few shots in the town so will add some from other trips here.)
The "Pink Roadhouse" is the centre for tourist services.
The "For Sale" sign has been there for some years now,
but no-one seems to have the vision or fortitude of its owners (and creators),
Adam & Lynnie Plate, to take it on.
John (with sisters Ruth & Joan) attended the unveiling of this plaque in 2007.
It comemorates the children of the old United Aborigines Mission Children's Home, where they lived.
(The citation and poem are good to read. Click on the image for an enlargement.)

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