Wednesday, August 25, 2010

HH Day 8 : Mt Chambers Gorge to home 06 (Quorn and home)

The main road south towards Hawker.
View from Willochra towards Quorn and the Devil's Peak.
(Foreground used for scenes in "Robbery Under Arms").
Our old home in Quorn - still pretty much as we left it
but now with one of the street signs that John advocated when on District Council there.
On the road south through Wilmington. Melrose etc. (our favourite route) -
rain squalls, this rainbow and a visit to the "Stone Hut Bakery"
to buy some of their special pies for tea and a couple of bottles of
"The Ghan" Southern Flinders Ranges Shiraz
to celebrate completion of a wonderful trip.

That's it ... "Finito", "Ala wiyaringu" ...
If we could we'd go right back and do it all again, only take longer this time.
There were so many beautiful campsites where we would like to have stayed a few days -
so many places off from our route that we would like to have visited -
so much of our wonderful country still to explore.
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HH Day 8 : Mt Chambers Gorge to home 05 (Brachina Gorge)

Views along the drive through the gorge

and out onto the western plain.
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HH Day 8 : Mt Chambers Gorge to home 04 (South from Blinman)

Near Blinman.
Ranges south of Blinman.
The road into Brachina Gorge from the east.

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HH Day 8 : Mt Chambers Gorge to home 03 (Towards Blinman)

Emus by the road ...
imminence of the range ...
a demanding road and ...
a thousand pictures within the larger landscape.
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HH Day 8 : Mt Chambers Gorge to home 02 (Mt Chambers Gorge - John)

Some time taking dawn shots ...
a last (wistful?) look at our campsite ...
a farewell visit from a willy wagtail ...
(not the White-winged Fairy Wren of Mt Chambers dreaming)
and back across the plain towards the main range
(photo by Beth).
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HH Day 8 : Mt Chambers Gorge to home 01 (Mt Chambers Gorge - Beth)

Up at dawn in anticipation of a long day's drive back home,
but still time for more pictures in the wonderful dawn light of Mt Chambers Gorge,
under the sky of an impending weather change.
Beth spotted Sturt Desert Pea again on a rocky bank,

and its reflection in the pool below.
(What is reality and what is reflection?)
A parting glimpse of Mt Chambers.
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Saturday, August 21, 2010

HH Day 7 : Copley to Mt Chambers Gorge 0 (Mt Chambers Gorge 02)

Some of Beth's shots at Mt Chambers Gorge.

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HH Day 7 : Copley to Mt Chambers Gorge 0 (Mt Chambers Gorge)

Arriving at Mt Chambers Gorge late in the afternoon,
we quickly found a lone campsite by a reflective pool
and went into a photographic frenzy while evening came on.
The light and reflections were enchanting.
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Thursday, August 19, 2010

HH Day 7 : Copley to Mt Chambers Gorge 07 (Arkaroola to Mt Chambers Gorge)

Plains and hills on Wertaloona Station
"Hops" were blooming on the plain.
"Sturt Desert Pea" was everywhere.
Approaching Mt Chambers.
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HH Day 7 : Copley to Mt Chambers Gorge 06 (Arkaroola)

The road into Arkaroola (from the Arkaroola Station lookout).
Entry to "Arkaroola Resort and Wilderness Sanctuary" speaks strongly of its founder's geological interests.
The rocks on the left are all named and placed according to their age.
Arkaroola views.

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