Friday, August 11, 2017

Queensland Trip Day 22 - Friday 11 August 2017 - Boodjamulla to Mount Isa


It was warm overnight but we slept well with the swag flaps up for insect free air and a view of the bright moonlight outside. We rose a little before the sun and were packed and on the road early - after a little time talking to a neighbouring camper (a farmer from Goondawindi Q) who had an almost identical Maverick to us. From an unsealed road with water crossings and winding through quite hilly and aridly pleasant country we moved eventually to the Barkly Highway into Mount Isa.


A visit to the Riversleigh World Heritage site was a must.
At walking trail gave access to a limited part of the whole site.
Interpretative notices accompanied a selection of fossils in-situ.

On arriving in Mount Isa our first stop was at the Riversleigh Centre to see the other end of the story.


Perhaps our first "bummer". Compare what the promo showed with what it didn't.
Large worker accommodation for the mines with access for a few tourists like us, but staff and workers were all friendly, the rooms (though a little scant) were clean, and laundry facilities enabled Beth to get our laundry up to date for our move tomorrow on out into arid country on our way back home.

Hey - That is probably our last post until we get back home. Telstra 4G coverage has been better than we had hoped but we'll be camping anyway.

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