Friday, August 11, 2017

Queensland Trip Day 21 - Thursday 10 August 2017 - Burketown to Boodjamulla Lawn Hill National Park


After Burketown we travelled through a variety of river and creek crossings from savannah bushland to savannah grassland and hilly sections - sealed roads to unsealed roads - all cattle country - until we reached Boodjamulla Lawn Hill.

A lone female cyclist on the road. What makes people do these things?


It was hot. We set up camp and went for a walk along the water hole.
People canoe in the water hole although fresh water crocodiles visit it sometimes.


A pre-dinner drink in the fairly scarce shade that we could find allowed time for some reading and bird watching.

While eating dinner we saw what appeared to be a migration of birds. The whole sky was filled with "birds" flying silently in the same direction for a period of about five minutes. We think we were wrong because early next morning they all flew back the same way. They were probably bats going out for their night feeding and returning - not silent at all but supersonic to us.

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