Friday, October 4, 2013

On to Niagara-on-the-Lake - Day 45 (Thur 03 Oct)

 Today started with a good but healthy breakfast (following our over-indulgence on Lake Erie fish last night) and ended with our own private sauna at "A Li'l Bit of Eden", Niagara-on-the-Lake.

We took the long way to Niagara, along the shores of Lake Erie, seeing ...

some interesting tastes in building and home presentation, old and new,


some great shots of the lake and lake-side,

A grounded submarine, "The Ojibwa", at Port Burwell",
Could be a good idea for our navy. We saw two groups being shown over it.

a motor cycle training group from the Ontario Provincial Police
and a potential target for their policing,

some interesting signs (a whole array of the former - "Jesus is coming ... are you ready?" etc.),
 a bridge over the Welland Canal and the Niagara Hydro-Electric Power Station
(Canada-USA Bridge in the background).

A full day, not helped in its latter stages by limited road signage, or was it just that we were too tired or too old to see them in time?
... a very good one though, capped by a couple of Americans at the Niagara Power Station telling us that we didn't look our age. Oh well (glow...).
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