Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Last Day - Day 47 (Mon 07 Oct)

 We were prepared for a last day mostly getting ourselves moved to a motel near the airport and familiarising ourselves with how to get to where we need to be in the morning for return of our car and the flight out.

On the way we travelled along the northern perimeter of Toronto to see again how far concentrated residential development extends. Closer in (but still a long way north of the city proper) there is high and medium rise residential development, both old and new.

Invading rural land are new developments of residential housing, mostly 2 - 3 storeys high, some with no space at all between the houses (our Lightsview but right on the suburban edge). Cost of these homes is from around $500,000.

We passed Canada World funpark, but didn't go in (Wonder why?)...

... and caught up with some fall colours along the road.

Beth couldn't resist aeroplanes during a late afternoon walk in wind and light rain ...

and powerlines.

John couldn't resist what is perhaps the ugliest church we have ever seen (incorporating a large function hall).

A great evening sky (with a double rainbow)  will remain a fond memory...

as will enormous serves for dinner at Mr Greek, the restaurant attached to our motel.

That's it (sorry or glad).
We might make some retrospective additions after we get home, but will wait and see.
Bejopics remains active and is added to now and then, especially when we make trips.
Right now, we are just looking forward to getting the flight over and done with, and being back home.
It has been a great trip - maybe our last international one. Who knows.
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