Sunday, June 9, 2019



Our original plans to follow the Darling down to Tilpa then use back tracks to reach White Cliffs had to change because of flooding. This meant a rather long day travelling via Cobar and Wilcannia but entirely on sealed roads.

Country towards Cobar was better vegetated. Cobar was a very pleasant town with a lot of old buildings and some pleasant parks.

For John there was a reminder of his earlier work with Family Life - Interrelate in Sydney. Cobar was one of their service locations. A toilet break placed us right outside their office.

Taller scrub land near Cobar gave way to more arid conditions near Wilcannia

Wilcannia has some great old buildings, more of which have been restored and put into use since our last visit.

The Darling at Wilcannia is no more than a string of pools at present.

On towards White Cliffs the country becomes more arid again - open sheep station country.

First glimpse of White Cliffs is not impressive. It is isolated and has few facilities - smaller and different from Coober Pedy, to our mind lacking the character of Andamooka. The mines are located on two hills that define the community - Turleys Hill and Smiths Hill.

The Anglican Church was notable as was a large new building for the Paroo-Darling Information Centre. There is also an underground motel.

 A solar farm provides electricity.

The cemetery is small and mostly in poor repair but we found this treasure - obviously someone who had an impact in their time.

Evening ... We camped in the town camping ground with a number of up-market caravans /mobile homes and a group of cyclists who we had already met at Tibooburra (all of quite senior years - but riding the bush together in an organised group with support vehicles and personnel).

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