Sunday, June 6, 2021

Elliston and more 2021 (Port Gibbon area and home to Laura)

 At and near Port Gibbon.

A day around Port Gibbon then home to Laura via Whyalla and Port Augusta.

The quite impressive wetlands that are being developed at Whyalla.

Elliston and more 2021 ( Elliston to Port Gibbon)

Travel to Port Gibbon was via Lock, Rudall, Cleve and Arno Bay.

 Lock Centenary Monument commemorating the days of grain lumping.

Goyder's Line again.

Arno Bay.

"Igloos" near Port Gibbon.

Our cabin at Port Gibbon and its view south along the coast.

Some of the ship-wrecks associated with Port Gibbon.

Sunset at Port Gibbon.


Elliston and more 2021 (around town)

Elliston has done much to attract families as visitors - murals, sculptures and more.

Elliston is sadly over-run with feral pigeons at the expense of other bird-life.
They are a real problem to residents and the district council, calling for programs of control and measured eradication.
A sunset for our last night at Elliston.


Elliston and more 2021 (Wellington Point & Cape Finniss drives)

Wellington Point - the Waterloo Bay memorial.

Cape Finniss drive includes some magnificent coastal scenery with an eclectic collection of sculptures.

Elliston and more 2021 (on to Elliston)

On Monday 24 May we travelled on to Elliston via Port Kenny and Venus Bay. 

Port Kenny waterfront.

Venus Bay.

Our accommodation at Elliston - right on the esplanade overlooking Waterloo Bay - just right for the seaside experience we were seeking - first magnificently stormy weather, then finer days.