Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Quorn August 2014 (Devil's Peak)

The challenge to revisit the Devil's Peak was too much to resist. Eventually we did it immediately before returning home on the Friday morning. It is only a couple of kilometres but quite solid climbing. At the top of the climb we looked longingly at the last few metres climbing up and out onto the overhang but decided that it would be irresponsible without the presence/help of someone younger and more fit than us. (See. We do know our limitations.)

The climb

At the summit.
 Beth with the visitors' book.

 The last "wee bit" that we chose not to do this time.

The "Nerve Test".

 Pichi-Richi Pass from the summit.

Looking towards Port Augusta.
On the way down. The Willochra Plain - greener than we have ever seen it.

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